2024 VBS

July 15-19th 6:30-8:55pm | Please fill out a separate registration for each child who will attend.
Welcome to BRC's Vacation Bible School registration for 2024! When you submit registration, you will receive an email confirmation. If you have any questions, please call the church at 330-225-5475.
Please select one option.
**Allergies will be listed on the child's name tag. Any other health concerns or special notes will only be noted on the teacher's class attendance sheet.

Photo Release

Brunswick Reformed Church strives to protect your child’s online and social media presence and we would not want to post a photo of your child without your expressed and informed consent. By signing below, you release and give consent for BRC to use photos and videos of my child(ren) on our BRC Facebook page and website and in a slideshow at VBS on the last night. Our social media page and website are routinely monitored and we are careful about our privacy settings. Children are never tagged or identified by name in photos or videos. All photos and videos are screened before posting online. BRC strongly encourages parents to monitor their child(ren)’s online presence and to notify BRC at once if any concern arises.

By entering your full legal name this is a binding digital signature for this authorization which shall remain effective until revoked in writing and delivered to Brunswick Reformed Church through July 31, 2024.


Medical Release and Waiver

I give my permission and fully authorize the adult advisors and/or staff of Brunswick Reformed Church, in their best judgment, to seek any and all emergency, diagnostic, or medical care that might be necessary for my child(ren). I understand that reasonable effort will be made to reach parents/guardians if time permits. I hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless Brunswick Reformed Church, its officers, employees, and members for any claim arising out of any injury to my child whether the result of negligence or for any other cause except to the extent and the amount covered by accident or liability insurance. I hereby grant authority to any licensed medical doctor to render such treatment as said doctor deems necessary under the circumstances.

By entering your full legal name this is a binding digital signature for this authorization which shall remain effective until revoked in writing and delivered to Brunswick Reformed Church through July 19, 2024.



July 15-19th 6:30-8:55pm
Please fill out a separate registration for each child who will attend.